Master English - Music Practice
APRENDA HOJE a letra de um dos clássicos de ARETHA FRANKLIN
1) Read and learn some facts about the song.
Leia e aprenda alguns fatos sobre a canção.
2) Learn Words.
Aprenda palavras.
3) Watch the VIDEO with LYRICS to practice.
Assista o video com as letras para praticar.
"I Say a Little Prayer" (1968)
"I say a little prayer" was originally sung by Dionne Warwick. The song addresses the concern that someone felt about a partner who was in the Vietnam war. It was recorded in 1966, and returned to the top of the charts in 1968, with the performance of Aretha Franklin on her album “Aretha Now.” The singer and her backing vocals used to sing this song to have fun during the recording rehearsals. Only then they decided to actually get the song in the album, significantly reinvented and modified from the original format.

VIDEO - "I say a little prayer" (com letras)
The moment I wake up
Before I put on my makeup
I say a little prayer for you
While combing my hair now
Before I put on my makeup
I say a little prayer for you
While combing my hair now
And wondering what dress to wear now
I say a little prayer for you
Forever and ever, you'll stay in my heart
And I will love you
Forever and ever, we never will part
Oh, how I love you
Together, forever, that's how it must be
To live without you
Would only mean heartbreak for me
I run for the bus, dear
While riding I think of us, dear
I say a little prayer for you
At work I just take time
And all through my coffee break time
I say a little prayer for you
I say a little prayer for you
I say a little prayer for you
My darling, believe me
(Believe me)
For me there is no one but you
Please love me too
(Answer his pray)
And I'm in love with you
(Answer his pray)
Answer my prayer now, babe
(Answer his pray)
Did you like the song?
- Watch the scene from the movie "My best friend's wedding", with Julia Roberts, when people sing the famous song by Aretha Franklin.
Have a good day!