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PRATIQUE HOJE seu inglês lendo um pouco sobre o debate a respeito da "melhor localização" para nossa famosa estátua do Laçador.
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What is the best place for the Laçador statue?
original text by Marcelo Gonzato (Zero Hora)
English version by Master English
The location of the famous statue of ‘Laçador’, in Porto Alegre, has recently brought up controversy between supporters of its permanence in the current spot and militants of its transfer to a place in the capital that gives it more prominence. The two groups have a common link: they consider that the current surroundings do not offer all the solemnity that the monument deserves, but they differ on the best way to value the emblematic figure of the gaucho.
Some understand that only a change of address would rescue the regionalist spirit, while another group prefers that the statue receive improvements but remain where it is. Both options have pros and cons.
Theme of Zero Hora’s column signed by Tulio Milman and of the section “Almanaque Gaúcho”, by Ricardo Chaves, the possible transfer of the ‘Laçador’ divided opinions of residents and experts. The main argument of those who want the bronze gaucho to go to another place is that the current location took away the monument's visibility and was not "adopted" by the population or by tourists. Although there is infrastructure to welcome visitors, it is rare to see anyone there.
- Who visits the ‘Laçador’ nowadays? There is no water for sale there, a shop, nothing, because there is no flow of people. I can accept it staying where it is, but it would need a better structure. The important thing is to debate this issue, says Carlos Paixão Côrtes, son of Paixão Côrtes, the famous traditionalist who inspired the monument.
The city hall seems to support the search for a new address. In a note, they inform that "there is a certain consensus that the current location is not the most appropriate". Mayor Nelson Marchezan wants the tribute to the gaucho to be in a place that can better match the tourist landscape of the Capital.
One of the possible destinations for the statue is the new Guaíba River waterfront, also known as Moacyr Scliar Park. After its re-urbanization, it became one of the favorite spots of the population in the Capital. The Laçador would also partner with the no less famous Guaíba sunset for photos and videos. In the era of social networks, its image would be much more widespread.
However, on weekends, due to the large concentration of people, there would be limited space and the statue would share attention with other attractions in the city, such as the ‘Usina do Gasômetro’ (Gasometer Powerstation).
On the other hand, the architect and urban planner Marcelo Arioli Heck, member of the board of the Institute of Architects of Brazil in the State (IAB / RS), believes that a migration would empty the meaning of the statue:
- The current location of the gaucho gives him a ‘sentinel connotation’, as if he were the keeper of the city. He looks at the horizon, takes care of those who enter or leave the city. Therefore, it is important that it stays in that place, one of the main entrances to Porto Alegre for those arriving by car, by air or even by trains.
Inaugurated on September 20, 1958, the ‘Laçador’ statue marked the commemoration of the 123rd anniversary of the Farroupilha Revolution (1835-1845). During the inauguration ceremony, the then mayor Leonel Brizola (1922-2004) gave a speech highlighting the greatness of Rio Grande do Sul. The demonstration was so well received that he ended up leveraging his campaign for governor of the state.
On March 11, 2007, the monument was transferred to the current Laçador site, 600 meters from the original site.
SOURCE (Fonte): https://gauchazh.clicrbs.com.br